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Scratch Mixed Media Backgrounds- Betz Golden

Scratch Mixed Media Backgrounds- Betz Golden

The Scratch Background stamp has so many different ways it can be used. I like it because it can be edgy. However, I thought it would be fun to try a few of my favorite mediums on it to create some backgrounds. 
The first medium I used was watercolor pencils. I dipped the pencil in water and laid out three colors on the stamp.
The cool thing is with water based mediums if it starts to dry out I just have to mist it with water to reactivate it.
I stamped my image and was left with a beautiful delicate watercolor background.
Next I used watercolor crayons. Once again I used a few different colors and I misted it when I was ready to stamp. I used just enough water as I was applying the crayons as to transfer the color to the stamp.

I stamped it making sure to apply equal pressure all over.
I chose three Brutus Monroe Surface inks.
I applied them to the stamp.
I stamped the image once again making sure to apply equal pressure.
I still had quite a bit of color left on the stamp after I cleaned it with a baby wipe so I decided to ink it up with some Raven Detail ink to pull the color off of it.
I was left with beautiful backgrounds from subtle to bold!
I used the Foundation dies to make some circles and tags that will be featured on Sundays this month.
I made this card with one of the Raven background sheets and the watercolor crayon background sheet that I die cut into circles for the flower.
Make sure you stop by next week to see the fun nautical card I create with the surface ink background paper.
Also, don't forget to visit the store for this fun Brutus Monroe background stamp:
Until Next Time ~ Happy Crafting!
Previous article Riding the Waves with Velveteen Glaze!!

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