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Anything Goes BLOG HOP!

Anything Goes BLOG HOP!

Welcome back to the blog, crafty friends! This month has been so exciting with all the new release items, we hope you enjoyed it! If you didn't get to catch any of our live videos on the Brutus Monroe Facebook page on release day, go and watch the replays! The team has so many inspirational ideas!

This week, the team was given free reign to create any project they wanted- no theme! So we cannot wait to see what they crafted. Before we get hopping though, here's a few fantastic re-caps from the blog that we thought you might enjoy!

Lauren used the new SPECIAL DAY stamp set to create this STUNNING guest book! We were seriously blown away by how gorgeous this is! CATCH THE FULL BLOG POST HERE! 

Daniel used our new ALPHA STAMPS along with the STRING LIGHTS set to create this bold and colorful birthday card. Don't you love it? CHECK OUT THE BLOG POST! 

We also love this card by Jess! She used our LOWERCASE ALPHAS and created this cute and clever card! CATCH HER BLOG POST HERE! 


Ok, now that y'all know what's been happening on the blog, let's get hopping! Just follow the list of names below to hop to each team member's blog post. Have fun! 








Previous article Smells Like a Set You Don’t Want to Miss!

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