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Stamping foil using embossing ink and powders.
Hello everyone, seems like time is flying by. We are here for another blog post by yours truly.
This week I tried something very new to me and at the same time something that made me go “why haven’t i thought of this before?”. If you watched Jennifer McGuire’s video that was recently uploaded you’ll know what I am talking about.
This is my take on her {genius} technique. I used Brutus Monroe embossing ink and powder and Brutus Monroe deco foil in green for the foiling part. I am going to admit that it tool me several tries before i was able to perfect this technique but now that i know my laminator settings and the thickness of the “sandwich” needed, I feel way more comfortable about doing a card like this again.
I don’t feel like further explaining is needed here since there is a whole video dedicated to this technique, so please go watch it. It’s pretty cool and Jennifer McGuire is actually using the same foil I did in mine but in a different color.
That’s it for me for now, but I will be back on Wednesday for our weekly blog hop, and believe me, you wont want to miss it.
Much love,
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