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Join Our Inspiration Team!

Join Our Inspiration Team!

Hello everyone!

I am so excited to be announcing our very first open design team call for the Brutus|Monroe Inspiration Team! I love educating on and spreading creativity in any way possible, and that is what our team is all about! Please read all of the guidelines below and if you feel that you would be a good fit for our team please follow the simple instructions below:

  1. Compose an email to with the following information:
  • Name
  • A brief description about yourself
  • Any social media links (blog, youtube, instagram...etc)
  • List previous design team experience
  • Provide photos of your favorite projects
  • Let us know what your favorite Brutus|Monroe products include

We can't wait to see all of your amazing projects and we hope to have you on our team! 

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions are Wednesday September 20th - the new design team term will begin on October 1 and we will be sending the new members project materials no later than Friday September 22nd. 


Inspiration Team Guidelines

      • We want to see one blog post per week from each team member. We will assign a specific day of the week to each member and it is their responsibility to write up their post and schedule it for their posting day.
      • Blog posts should consist of a creative project showcasing Brutus Monroe products. Other products are allowed, but please make and emphasis on BM. We would like to see several clear, well lit photos as well as some engaging writing. Videos would also be welcomed, but not required.
      • Each month there is a new release and we want to show off those fun new goodies! We like to dedicate one week of posts for showing off the new release items. We may be asking team members to do a little more writing and photos during this week.
      • Occasional blog hops/ special posts- we have not yet attempted a blog hop or a special series of posts, but it is something we would like to do in the future! We would be asking team members to be able to use the designated supplies for these hops and post them on your personal blog and social media.
      • We will keep the team updated on what should be posted when. We also have a link to the DT Calendar pinned at the top of our team’s facebook group page. You are welcome to refer to the calendar to see what themes are to be posted and to schedule out your posts.

      • After our posts are written and published on the blog, we need to share them all over social media so we can reach a wide audience! We will be asking each member to share their posts on their personal social media accounts, as well as posting them on the official BM FB page.
      • We would also like to encourage all team members to get involved in the social media world. Let’s get to know our followers and build a loyal, friendly community! Comment on BM hashtags and FB photos, and help boost posts from fellow team members by liking/commenting on them!

      • The last week of every month our blog posts are going to feature the stamp club. Please use the stamp for the upcoming month in a project and write up a blog post for it.

      • Brutus Monroe offers a great affiliate program that team members are welcomed and encouraged to use! If you would like to sign up for the program, let us know and we can help you. You will then be able to add your personal affiliate links into all blog posts and social media sharing.
      • We realize that affiliate links are important for bloggers, but we ask that for your posts on the Brutus Monroe blog you only use BM affiliate links. Other affiliate programs have guidelines that we would not want to violate. You are absolutely able to use outside links in your personal blogging and shares.

      • We want to make sure you have what you need in order to create. You will receive creative supplies from Brutus Monroe from on a monthly basis. We want you to use them and enjoy them! We do ask, though, that if you receive stamps/inks/supplies from BM that you use and share all of what you receive.
      • You will also receive a 40% of discount on all products during your term.

      • Being on multiple design teams is not a problem with Brutus Monroe. You are welcome to use our products to combine with other design team projects. We only ask that you do not double post- meaning don’t use the same project for multiple design team posts. We would like to see new, creative projects for our blog. We would like you participate in additional teams but time management is a must, if we feel that at anytime that your involvement in other design teams is hindering your ability to create for Brutus|Monroe we reserve the right to dissolve the term at anytime.

    ***Call is open to everyone, Domestic and International

    Previous article Smells Like a Set You Don’t Want to Miss!


    Janet - September 29, 2017

    What is the length of the term?

    Holly - September 21, 2017

    Oh I’m so bummed I missed this. Your Stamps are so unique. Will you have another call in 6 months?

    Neha - September 15, 2017

    Would love to know if it is open for international crafters. I am from India.

    Verity Biddlecombe - September 14, 2017


    Is this open to internationals?


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