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Out of This World

Out of This World

Have you ever been inspired to go on a journey of your imagination?  Maybe in a book, a movie, a song...maybe in a project.  I knew as soon as I saw the 'Out of This World' inspiration box by Brutus Monroe I was going to go on such a journey.  Luckily for me the AMAZING Brutus Monroe/Therm O Web Foil Transfer Sheets and Designer Toner Sheets.   So out of such a journey of imagination came my 24"x24" Mixed Media project.  By Heather Collins


This is the canvas and the Styrofoam pieces before I attached everything.  The Brutus Monroe Craft Glue dries clear and can hold all of these amazing items down.  Including the Brutus Monroe Designer Toner Sheets.

When using the Brutus Monroe Designer Toner Sheets, remember you can cut them to basically any shape you want.

The Brutus Monroe Glitterstock cuts beautifully and holds ships, even with the smallest of cuts.  

Brutus Monroe Products Used:

Brutus Monroe Foil Transfer Sheets 6"x12" sheets- TIDEPOOL

Brutus Monroe Designer Toner Sheets -Marble 

'Out of This World' inspiration box

Surface Ink - Reinker Aubergine

Surface Spray Oz and Cornflower 

Brutus Monroe Colorburst Essentials Pack

Flat Back Bubbles 

Glitter Flat Back Bubbles 

Glitter Glaze- Unicorn Horn

Glitter Glaze- Glow in the Dark

Bottle Cap Sequins Glass Slipper

Brutus Monroe craft glue 

Brutus Monroe Glittestock

Brutus Monroe Tile Letter Dies (coming soon)


Previous article Riding the Waves with Velveteen Glaze!!

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