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Brutus Monroe Ink Lab - Part 4: Heat Embossing, Generation Stamping, Blending, & Distress Edging

Brutus Monroe Ink Lab - Part 4: Heat Embossing, Generation Stamping, Blending, & Distress Edging

Hi all Erin here again and today in the ink lab we are testing various techniques that the ink pads can do in our part 4 of the series.  The techniques including heat embossing, distressing edging, generation stamping up to 4 generations, and blending with a blending tool.

So for these tests I did a video to show how they all compered against each other.  Brutus Monroe is offering an amazing deal for all Chalk Ink Pads plus Chalk Ink Re-inkers for the next couple months - a 20% off your ink purchase

coupon code: erinreed 

Plus here is the best part, you have a chance to win a set in mini chalk inks for just subscribing to my YouTube Channel, full details are on my channel, but there will be 4 winners, each receiving one set of 4 mini chalk inks!!  Amazing!!! Here is my video.

The inks I tested were Brutus Monroe Chalk ink in Wagon, Ranger Distress ink in Fired Brick, StazOn in Pumpkin, Dare 2B Artzy in Red, Studio G Chalks in Red, Colorbox Fluid Chalk ink in Tangerine, Prima Quick Dry fluid chalk ink in Brick Wall, and Prima Resist Chalk Edger in Rose Bud.  I kept all the color as close as possible in the range of red and oranges.


Test 1 - Blending

I tested each of the 8 inks on a small squares of white cardstock to see how well each blended on the paper using a blending tool.  I compared each of the inks to the Ranger distress ink because that is one of the main purposes of that ink.  The best matches are the Brutus Monroe, Dare 2B Artzy, and The Studio Chalk inks.  For full results please see the video.   

Test 2 - Heat Embossing

I tested each of the 8 inks on a square of white cardstock with a gold embossing powder, a generic brand I have had for years as we were testing the ink and not the powder.   I tested to see if the gold covered up the red and orange ink, if it did a good coverage then it worked well.  All but the Stazon and Dar2B Artzy worked great, those 2 did not work at all.  For complete results please see the video.

Test 3 - Generation Stamping up to 4 Generations

I tested each of the 8 inks on white paper.  I stamped each stamp with one ink application to the stamp to see how well each stamp lasted being stamped without re-inking through 4 generations of stamps.  Some faded nicely (Brutus Monroe, Stazon, Studio G, and Colorbox) and some were blotchy past the generation 1 stamp.  For full results please see the video.

Test 4 - Distress Edging

I tested each of the 8 inks on a section of white cardstock that one side was left smooth and the other was distress with a edge distress tool.  I then inked the edges with all 8 inks.  They all work just fine, but the application and the durability of the ink pad are what I was comparing.  Over time the Prima inks, Studio G, and Colorbox all tear and fall off over time when you edge with them for too long.  The other 4 inks all work great with out tearing or fall apart.  For full results please see the video.

I will say that the Brutus Monroe inks were amazing for all these tests.  I loved that they held up too different kinds of tecniques and are holding up tho the name of an all purpose ink!!  Amazing inks!!

Erin Reed - Designer & Artist
Previous article Riding the Waves with Velveteen Glaze!!


Kat Stewart - May 15, 2017

Loved the video! Erin does a great job explaining everything. Please add my name to the contest.?

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