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Yuletide Greetings Christmas Wreath

Yuletide Greetings Christmas Wreath

Hi, friends! I am here today to share a festive Christmas card creating using the YULETIDE GREETINGS STAMP SET

Christmas card stamped with Brutus Monroe Yuletide Greetings

This card was fun to make, even though there was a lot of fussy cutting involved! I stamped out the holly image multiple times on a piece of vellum, and then embossed the images using some GILDED EMBOSSING POWDER, and some ALABASTER POWDER. I found that using the two colors of powders gave my wreath a little more visual interest without being too overwhelming. 

Christmas card stamped with Brutus Monroe Yuletide Greetings

After all the holly images were stamped, embossed, and fussy cut, I arranged them onto a circle frame that I die cut with my STITCHED CIRCLE DIES. You cant see the frame behind the holly leaves after you layer them on, so it gives the impression of a full holly wreath. 

Christmas card stamped with Brutus Monroe Yuletide Greetings

I then grabbed some of my JURASSIC CARDSTOCK and cut it down so it would fit the length of my LUNCHBAG CARDSTOCK card base, but still left some space on each side. I also added a bit of detail on the side of my Jurassic cardstock panel by dragging my EMBOSSING INK PAD along the sides and then embossing some more gold powder. 

Christmas card stamped with Brutus Monroe Yuletide Greetings

Lastly, I embellished my card by adding a little twine bow, and then sprinkling some clear, shiny sequins around the wreath. The sentiment is also from the YULETIDE GREETINGS STAMP SET, and also embossed in Gilded. 

I hope this gives you a fun look at this stamp set, and inspires you to use the images in a unique way!

Thanks for stopping by today!

Until next time, 
Marie Nicole


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