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Taco Stamp Club

Taco Stamp Club

Hello Crafters,

It is that time of the month when we showcase the September Stamp Club Set. Remember Stamp Club is only $5 and that includes shipping. In addition to the stamp set and free shipping you get 10% off on all orders made while an active member.

Knowing how much we all love our tacos what better use of a taco stamp then to create a love card to be used as an anniversary card, general love card or any other occasion that you would express your love.

Using the taco stamp, I created a background in Raven ink and added Wagon ink colored hearts from the Through the Years stamp set. Staying with the black and white theme I added some stripped Washi tape. I stamped an additional taco and colored it in using the new Brutus Monroe Stylefile Alcohol Markers. (These markers work wonderfully and only cost $3.50 each!) The sentiment from the Stamp Club set was embossed in Alabaster on coordinating red paper. I die cut a matching red heart and proceeded to assemble the card front.  The heart is popped up over gold floss, the taco is lined up and affixed over a background taco and finally the sentiment is tucked in under the raised colored taco to complete the card front. As always, a few sequins are added for a little bling.  Card front is attached to matching red card base.

Please share your ideas with us at #BrutusMonroe.  Keep creating!

Enjoy, Adam

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