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Stamp Club - July — birthday card

Stamp Club - July — birthday card

 Happy Day to you all!

Adam here with an underwater birthday card. You all know how much I love underwater scenes and was so excited to get the Stamp of the Month Club-July stamp. I will surely be making many cards with this great stamp. I am still as excited today as I was when Brutus Monroe created the first stamp for this inexpensive stamp club. Just $5 gets you a new stamp each month and this includes shipping. I can not think of a better stamp club to belong to considering the product and price! 

I chose circles to use to create my background on this card. I used several sizes of circles and colors of blue cardstock. I then stamped various summer/water themed background stamps to stamp the circles. I used navy ink but the stamps show differently due to the colors of the cardstock. I adhered the circles to a layer one piece of Alabaster white cardstock using double sided tape and some foam tape to give dimension to the card. 

Next I stamped the July Stamp of the Month onto an Alabaster white circle and colored the scene in using StyleFile Markers. When finished with the coloring I decided to use a half pearl embellishment on top of the pearl image in the stamped scene. I finished the scene by blending a bit of blue ink around the edges to simulate water. I added a few acrylic bubbles and attached the layer to a blue card base. Made a banner with the birthday sentiment and attached it to the card using foam tape. 

I hope you all enjoy creating with your Stamp of the Month stamp sets as much as I do and look forward to seeing what you create. Please share them with us on the Brutus Monroe Facebook Fan Page.


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Charlotte Smith - July 21, 2019

This card is just what I needed to inspire me to use this stamp. I love it!

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