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Sending love

Sending love

Hi everyone! It is Verity here again from Pretty Little Buttonso good to be back up on the blog again. Today's card can easily be sent out for a variety of different occasions and how adorable is this fox? This stamp set is from the February Monthly Stamp Club Subscription set, where you can get a stamp and shipping for $5 a month, plus 10% discount code to use as well. They also do an international subscription too for $8 including shipping. 

Sending Love card details:

Start off by stamping the fox in Raven detailed ink, as this is safe to use with Alcohol markers. Colour the fox in with your Alcohol markers - if you haven't gotten any, check out the Stylefile Markers over in the shop. I used another brand for this card, as I haven't got all the colours yet. Unfortunately, I need to get some in fur colours! Once it was coloured in I fussy cut the fox out ready to use on my card.

To add interest to the background, I created paint splatter effect with some metallica watercolours in my stash. To create layers within the car, I cut several pieces of cardstock different widths. The heart from the stamp set was then repeatedly stamp onto one strip with light grey ink. Using the Penny Embossing powder, two additional strips of card were embossed. 

I added detail to a die cut circle by running the Embossing Ink Pad around the edge of the card. This was heat set in matching embossing powder. All the pieces were mounted onto the card with Craft Glue and foam adhesive squares for dimension. The two sentiments were stamped onto matching card stock - one in Raven detail ink and another heat embossed in white. The 'Sending Love' is from another stamp set - this can be found in any City Sidewalks stamp set. Lastly, I embellished the card with sequins and clear nuvo drops. 


If you want, please leave a comment below - I would love to hear what you think!

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Till next week,
Previous article June CYOE Challenge Recap


Melissa B. - February 18, 2018

This is such a darling fox, great card too!

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