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Lucky Stars

Lucky Stars

Happy Fourth of July Everyone! Today is my favorite day of the year, I love everything red, white, and blue! The fourth of July screams America and Freedom! Plus my birthday is in two days!

So the title of this post is Lucky Stars...not about the fourth of July, but it is a space theme! And we sure can look and see where my astronaut is an American! :)



I really had fun creating this card! I first created the galaxy with distress inks, I used seedless preserves, twisted citron, black soot, and chipped sapphire. I used a fan brush with watered down copic opaque ink and splattered that all over the background to create stars, this is my favorite way to create stars by using a fan brush. I also added stars from the stamp set as well, they were just too cute not to.

I stamped all of the images from the Lucky Stars stamped set with Raven detail ink from Brutus Monroe and colored them with copic markers and fussy cut them out. I used an x-acto knife to get the middle of the satellite. I added glossy accents to the astronauts glass on his mask and the windows on the rocket. 

I adhered the panel down with Brutus Monroe glue on a dark purple A2 sized top folding card.

And here's the inside, I used a sentiment and stars from the same stamp set.

It's always fun to decorate the inside of the card, even if it's just a little bit.

Brutus Monroe products used below, to purchase Click here



Here's the copics I used:

Grey's- W0, W4,W5,W8 

Red's- R29,R39, R89

Yellow Red- YR07, YR09, YR09, YR23



Thanks for stopping by,


Previous article Aqua Pigment Safari Sunset Background


Lisa Bzibziak - July 4, 2017

Awesome! Love this … great galaxy background and I do love it with those adorable stars… very cool set and very cool card!

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