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Lowercase Alphabet Outline and Fill with Jess

Lowercase Alphabet Outline and Fill with Jess

Hey crafty friends!

It's Jess and I'm excited to be on the Brutus Monroe blog today with a fun card tutorial featuring one of the newest stamp sets from the June Release! If you missed all the excitement for the release, be sure to check out the Brutus Monroe Facebook page and replay all the live videos featuring tons of inspiration with the new sets.

To create my card, I chose the Lowercase Alphabet Outline and Fill set. I love how perfectly these letters pair up. You can use them together or separately for a nearly endless combination of card designs. I picked one of each of the letters and arranged them in my Mini MISTI in alphabetical order. I used the fill letters for every letter except 'h' and 'i.' For those two I chose the outline version. I stamped all of these in Raven Detail Ink.

Next, I used a couple of Spectrum Noir alcohol markers to color in the 'hi.' This makes the little greeting pop and helps it stand out against the rest of the black lettering. I also added some paint pen accents to help give the black letters a little more interest.

I used the Luck You Stamp Set for the rest of my sentiment. I masked off part of a sentiment so I could use only the 'my friend' portion. That created my custom sentiment, 'hi my friend.' I love it! I heat embossed the sentiment using Embossing Ink and Alabaster Embossing Powder on navy card stock.

I popped my sentiment up on a bit of the 1/16" white foam tape to pop up the sentiment and then used the 1/8th" white foam tape to pop up my whole card front. I mounted the card front on a navy A2 sized card base and that finished off the card.

I hope you're loving the new release as much as I am. I have so many ideas churning and I can't wait to share them with you all! Happy crafting!

Hugs and love,

Previous article Aqua Pigment Safari Sunset Background

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