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Koi Card featuring Luck You Inspiration Box

Koi Card featuring Luck You Inspiration Box

Hey friends!

I'm up on the Brutus Monroe blog today with a card featuring elements from the 'Lucky You' Inspiration Box. This is the Inspiration Box for the month of December and I'm so excited to have the chance to play with these products. If you haven't seen them yet, you can check out my unboxing video HERE.

To create this card, I started off with some solid navy cardstock. I got out my Embossing Ink and Alabaster Embossing Ink and got busy stamping and heat embossing my koi images from the Lucky You box. I placed these is a random pattern across the entire piece of card stock so they filled the space nicely and the pattern continued off the edges of the paper. This gives a continuous look to your images - like patterned paper!

Next, I used a piece of black cardstock and heat embossed the sentiment 'you got this my friend' with Alabaster powder. I cut a small strip of the gold glitterstock included in the box this month for a bit of coordinated sparkle.

I matted my navy card stock on to a white card base and then used a gold gel pen to color in one set of the koi fish. I thought this added a nice touch of color and gave that 'spotlight' effect that's super on trend right now. For the finishing touches, I added a few gold sequins.

Did you order the 'Lucky You' Inspiration Box this month? Have you gotten it out to play yet? We'd love to see what you're creating, so be sure to share your projects in the Brutus Monroe Fan Club Page on Facebook!

Hugs and love,


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