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Ideas for Reinkers and Watercoloring

Ideas for Reinkers and Watercoloring

I love to use the Brutus Monroe Reinkers to watercolor with the stamps.  Add a little alcohol to the reinkers and you have a little magic on your hands.  Here are 3 ideas for how to use this watercoloring technique.

1) Stamp Swaps

A fun way to get some extra use our of your stamps, and to share you stamps with others, is to do a stamp swap.  You stamp 6-15 of 2-3 stamps onto cardstock, rough cut them out and then trade with others for a swap.  I chose to do fun stamps that could be used in lots of different projects such as a little bicycle and Eiffel Tower.  For both of these stamps I took a little of the reinker in Locomotive and colored them in to create a little bit of depth.




Here is a video on how I created these 2 stamps swaps.


2) Borders or Bookmarks

Another idea is to take a stamps that is a background stamp and create a set of borders for future use.  You can also use this exact same project and make it a bookmark.  For each set I stamped the paper with Raven ink and then used various colors of reinkers to color in the flowers shapes within the stamp  For even more fun use varying shades of a color to make it have more depth and interest.







Here is a video tutorial on how to make these fun borders.




3) Watercolor Card

I love to make cards, and the easiest card to make is a pretty stamp with a little color in the details of the stamp.  Flowers are the simplest to watercolor as they beg to be in different shades of a color and imperfections looks amazing with them.  Stamp a pretty floral stamp in the corners with a simple sentiment on a plain white card and you have a beautiful card every time!



Here is a video tutorial on how to make this card.




I hope you find these idea helpful and useful.  Thanks so much for stopping by!






Erin Reed - Designer & Artist



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