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Happy Birthday....

Happy Birthday....

to ME!!!! Today is my birthday and because of that I have a birthday card for you.

I created this card and another live on April 4 on the BM you tube channel.  You can view it here if you desire.

I started by stamping the daffodil stamps from the Flower Market Stamp set in a random pattern over the front of a piece of Aqua Pigment Paper with Embossing Ink.  After I heat set it with Gilded Embossing Powder, I ink smooshed Yellow, Orange, Yellow Orange Aqua Pigment that I mixed with Pearl Shimmer Mist.

I cut Vellum with the Small Oval Die from the Elegant Easel die set.  For the Larger Daffodils (Smells like Spring Stamp and Dies), I colored them in with Olo markers after I used Raven Detail ink on Perfect Blend Paper.  

The sentiment is also covered with Gilded Embossing Powder and I fussy cut it out. (I decided that I would but the Happy Birthday sentiment inside this time and instead chose the Have a Lovely Day from Smells Like Spring.) Finally, I attached the entire panel to a Precut & Pre-scored A2 Card Base.


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