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Floral Foil

Floral Foil

 Hi Friends,

I am excited to be creating with the newest Brutus Monroe Deco Foil - Silver Sketch. Brutus Monroe has teamed up with Deco Foil to create many beautiful foils to be used in creating with other Brutus Monroe products. I challenge all of our creative crafters to come up with projects using foil as part of their creations to see how many ways we can use foil. 

I have foiled a clear layer of Brutus Monroe Designer Toner Sheet - Crosshatch in Silver Sketch foil to be the background of my card. This is a 5 x 7 inch card. I then cut a layer one plus 1/2 inch (scoring at the 1/2 inch to be used to attach layer to card back) in blue which I then splatted some ink onto. Next I cut it into five pieces using no specific measurements. I guess you can say I eyeballed it! I took the outside corners and the middle one and adhered them to the foiled layer. This created a see through card front. I attached the front to a 5 x 7 card back. I stamped the sentiment onto the middle blue piece from the Brutus Monroe Super Sentimental stamp set.

Now I needed to decorate the card front. I decided on die cut flowers from Altenew. Cut and assembled flowers and leaves onto the card front. Added a few enamel dots and the card is finished.

I love the see through component to this card. I hope you try creating with the clear Brutus Monroe Designer Toner Sheets and share those creations with us at Brutus Monroe Facebook Fan Page.


Previous article Aqua Pigment Safari Sunset Background


Amanda Stevens - April 29, 2019

Adam, your card is gorgeous!!! I love it!

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