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Easy Card with Lots of Texture

Easy Card with Lots of Texture

Hey everyone!
Jessica here. Today I'm using the Jawbreaker paper pad to create a fun colorful card. I loved the colors in this pattern and really wanted to play off of those.
I cut down a piece of the pattern paper with the maroon and navy blue swirls to 3.75 inches by 5 inches. Using a circle die, the new Brutus Monroe Foundation circle dies would work great for this, I die cut a piece of inexpensive card stock and used the circle frame as a mask. I got out the Fallen Snow glitter glaze and the Mixed Media Conversations stencil. I added the stencil over the card stock mask and then began spreading the glitter gel over the top. I love the shift in this glitter! So pretty.
While I waited for the Glitter Glaze to dry I used a flag die from my stash and die cut a piece of card stock that coordinates well with the Jawbreaker pattern paper. I used the sentiment "Sent with Love" from the Super Sentimental set and heat embossed with Alabaster embossing powder. 
The Glitter Glaze didn't take long to dry, I waited a couple of hours. I then adhered everything to a A2 card base. Super sentimental but that Jawbreaker pattern paper and the Glitter Glaze pack quite a impact!
Thank you so much for joining me today!
Jessica ❤
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