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Autumn Sunset

Autumn Sunset

There is something so delicate and graceful about this tree image from the Tree of Thanks set by Brutus Monroe.  White embossing and soft ink blending seemed like the perfect fit for it!

I stamped both the tree and sentiment on bristol smooth cardstock using VersaMark ink and coated it with Alabaster embossing powder.

After the embossing powder cooled off, I started ink blending with a variety of Distress Oxide inks (Tattered Rose, Abandoned Coral and a tiny bit of Aged Mahogany).  I started at the bottom and worked up to only cover the tree at the top.

Finally, I wiped the embossed images with a dry cloth to remove the excess ink and added a few clear sequins for a bit of shimmer.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Previous article Aqua Pigment Safari Sunset Background

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