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3D Frame

3D Frame

Hello Friends,

Today we are showing a 3D frame made with the Brutus Monroe stamp set called Feathered Friends. Making this card hopefully will show that a fun card can be made by using only one stamp out of a much larger stamp set. Often we get caught up in the concept that all the stamps or at least many of the stamps in a set must be incorporated into a card. When the reality is each stamp can stand alone and create a stunning card on its own. 

I started by stamping many images of the tree branch from the stamp set and scan n cut them out. Next I colored the branches using StyleFile markers from Brutus Monroe. All the branches were arranged into a large enough rectangle to cover a card front and adhered to one another. I then die cut the branches using two sizes of rectangles to create the frame. (Note: the inside rectangle was used in creating another card that I showed earlier. Must not waste our hard work!) 

Using a Brutus Monroe word die I cut out the sentiment in purple along with a rectangle to fit into the frame. Next a second rectangle in white 1/4 inch smaller then the purple one was die cut. On the white layer an additional sentiment was stamped using Raven Detail Ink. 

Now it is time to put the pieces together! I started by using foam tape to attach the frame to give the card depth onto an Alabaster white layer one. This layer one was attached to a purple card base. The small purple layer was glued to the white layer and then the small white layer with the sentiment stamped on it was attached using foam tape to bring it out to the frame level. This layer was also shifted or angled to add more interest. The word die was added above the stamped sentiment along with a few gold sequins to complete the card.

We would love to see what you can create using only one small stamp from a set. Please share with us on the Brutus Monroe Facebook Fan Page.


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