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Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather

Hi crafty friends! I'm Lien from Studio Kato and I'm back with another bright colorful card! 

For this design I thought a larger card size would work better, so I made a US A6 card. So I started by cutting that cardbase and I also cut a white panel to about 0.5" smaller on each side so I could leave a nice margin when I prop it up. Now, the star of the show: the feathers. I love these feathers stamps and I wanted to make them shine, so I'm embossing them white embossing powder onto watercolor cardstock and I'm painting them with shimmery watercolors.

I painted in the feathers in rainbow colors and made sure to go over the outside line of the image. I'll be fussycutting these out and by adding color outside the line the white outline will be more clearly visible. I arranged the feathers in a nice wreath on my card and used Press n' Seal to pick up the entire wreath at once.

This won't just come in handy to put the card together, but also to stamp my sentiment in place. I lay the wreath over my panel and put the sentiment in place in the middle and then pick it up with my Misti to stamp it on the panel. Just move the press 'n seal out of the way before stamping. I used black ink and clear embossing powder for the sentiment. I then add foam squares to the back of the wreath and adhere it to my card. Finally I added some sequins from Studio Katia as a finishing touch.

You can find more details on my blog and youtube channel. 


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